Saturday, May 2, 2009

Records & Archives Week

As a confirmed snail-mailer, ie. someone who uses that old-fashioned item called a pen, and actually writes correspondence on that crinkly stuff called paper, I was glad I spotted the ad in a bottom corner of The Star, or local free newspaper for Records and Archives Week.

It's called "Your's Faithfully...cul8r: Preserving Personal Letters as Archives."

It's a series of lunchtime talks at the Hocken Library, with speakers including Dr Donald Kerr on 'Publishing Contributions: Dr Hocken's First Literary Venture,' and Dr Philip Temple on 'The Letters of Maria Blumenthal', which gave him the fodder for I am With You Always, his novel based on Maria and other artists in Germany during the war.

It starts this Monday, and there is a diferent speaker each day, talks from 12.10pm-1.00pm.

The full programme can be found here. (The link didn't entirely play the game, so the ad is in the bottom right hand corner.)

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